Don't guess...Count!
Too often business decisions are made based on a gut-feel for how things
are going. This approach may pay off if your gut-feeling is right, but
wherever possible it is best to measure exactly how your business is
performing. Every business has key performance indicators that you should
monitor regularly so you can keep your finger on the pulse of your business.
If your business relies on people walking into your premises, then some of
the most important performance indicators for your business are based on the
number of people you have visiting.
The simple approach to pin-pointing your busy times is to ask staff when
they are busy. But if you compare the actual data to the “staff feel” you
will often come up with quite different results. Staff opinion on whether
you are busy or not will be subjective and often varies depending on the
mood of the staff member or the “atmosphere” in the store. Don’t rely on
subjective information, measure it… get the facts.